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<%=request("n")%>新闻快递 <% 'm=moreid id=typeid n=typename m=request("m") n=request("n") if m="" then m=0 id=request("id") set rs=server.createobject("adodb.recordset") sql ="select * from article where typeid="& checkStr(id) & " order by dateandtime Desc" rs.open sql,conn,1,1 if rs.eof and rs.bof then response.write "

关闭窗口】" response.end end if i=0 %>


<% i=i+1 rs.movenext if i=10 then exit do loop %>
<% if m<>0 then for iisf=1 to m *10 if rs.eof then exit for rs.movenext next end if do while not rs.eof %>
  " target="_blank"><%=rs("title")%> <%=rs("dateandtime")%>
    <%=left(trim(replace(replace(rs("content")," ",""),"

新闻快递首页 本类目录: <%if m<>0 then%> <%="上一页"%> <%end if%> <%if not rs.eof then%> <%="下一页"%> <%end if%>

<% rs.close set rs=nothing conn.close set conn=nothing %>